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18: Chitra Hanstad – Knowing Your Neighbor, Pt.1

Chitra Hanstad is the Executive Director of World Relief  Seattle, however, her journey to this place serves as a timely reminder that our neighborhood is global. From India to the United States, back to India, around the world, and again in the United States her service to humanity spans the globe and her faith is lived out wherever she goes.…
Grantley Martelly
February 28, 2021

17: King County Council Member, Dave Upthegrove Pt.2

In part 2 of my interview, Dave discusses some of his successes while working across differences and keeping our focus on why we are serving others. Dave discusses successes in protecting youth in police custody, setting up programs to help in early childhood education, bridging the education gap in the transition from school to college/community college, working to give voice…
Grantley Martelly
February 13, 2021

11: Police Chief Rafael Padilla

Chief Rafael Padilla is the police chief of Kent, WA, the 10th most diverse city in the United States. We discuss his journey of faith and the challenges of leading a police department in the present climate of racial unrest and calls for reforms in modern policing.  He discusses his efforts to establish accountability, credibility, and performance standards in his…
Grantley Martelly
October 21, 2020

8: Are We Not One – A Town Hall in the City of Kent, WA -Part 1

Are We Not One?-Conversations on Racial Reconciliation was a Town Hall held for the City of Kent, WA on September 19, 2020. The town hall was hosted by, and held at Hillside Church Kent and included Mayor Dana Ralph, Police Chief Padilla, and Councilmember Brenda Fincher as well as leaders in the faith community, Native American, and the non-profit community…
Grantley Martelly
September 21, 2020

9: Are We Not One? – A Town Hall in the City of Kent, WA, Part 2

Are We Not One?-Conversations on Racial Reconciliation was a Town Hall held for the City of Kent, WA on September 19, 2020. The town hall was hosted by, and held at Hillside Church Kent and included Mayor Dana Ralph, Police Chief Padilla, and Councilmember Brenda Fincher as well as leaders in the faith community, native American, and the non-profit community…
Grantley Martelly
September 21, 2020

6: Are You A Terrorist? Interview with Zeytun Ahmed

Zeytun Ahmed is a young woman who chooses to live out her faith in the western world where sometimes wearing a hijab causes some people to resort to stereotypes. Having lived in a refugee camp, she is now a student at the University of Washington and impacting lives with her story, her faith, and her determination to leave her imprint…
Grantley Martelly
July 25, 2020