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23: Danielle Fontaine – My Daughter Married a Black Man Pt.1

In her book, Still Time on Pye Pond, author Danielle Fontaine tells the story of how she has dealt with the racial rift in our family that developed when her daughter married our son. The resulting inter-racial union brought out a demonstration of racism that shocked the entire family. Danielle tells how she found voice in her photographs and encaustic…
Grantley Martelly
August 26, 2021

22: Could the Queen Be Racist

On March 7, 2021, Oprah Winfrey televised an interview with Megan Markle and Prince Harry.  Much of the world was shocked to hear the allegations of racism within the House of Windsor. This episode examines the history of British royalty and the Church of England in empire building, where the Queen is the head of both institutions. You can draw…
Grantley Martelly
July 20, 2021

21: Who Is My Neighbor Test Pt.2

Loving our neighbor as ourselves is probably one of the most difficult tasks in life and yet it is critical to having a kind, peaceful and just world. Who does this task apply to? I believe that it applies to everyone regardless of faith, origin, ethnicity, or peculiarity. Try it out and see what happens in the places where you…
Grantley Martelly
June 3, 2021

7: People Speak Up

If we are going to continue to make positive progress in embracing racial reconciliation we need to continue having conversations personally and in community. These conversations will not be easy but they are worth it. In this episode, I give some tools and statistics that you can use to help foster conversations and to help counter the objections that some…
Grantley Martelly
September 6, 2020

5: Interview with Dr. Andre Sims, Pt. 2

Dr. Sims discusses the system of Courageous Conversations to help address issues of faith and race. He gives examples of his work and his encounters in these areas including his work with faith leaders. He gives reasons for why we must continue this work in the community, especially in faith communities.
Grantley Martelly
July 7, 2020

2: Writing It Down Is Not Enough

Many organizations take the time to create and document their statements and policies against racial and social injustice and the need for reconciliation. As good and bold as this is, does writing it down alone bring about the change we need? This episode calls for action by developing and executing an implementation plan with clear measures of accountability that result…