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33. Kendrick Glover: An Advocate, Pt.1

Kendrick Glover is the founder of Glover Empowerment Mentoring (GEM) based in Kent, WA. Kendrick was born in Natchez, Mississippi and after some wandering years moved to Seattle to get away from further trouble. In Seattle, he found his calling to teach young people to find their path to their full potential. At GEM he is doing just that. With…
Grantley Martelly
March 27, 2022

31: Ev Tustin – Voluntary Displacement Pt. 2

We are concluding our conversation with Pastor Ev Tustin of Hillside Church in Kent, WA. He speaks of voluntary displacement - making room for a broader diversity of voices, and coming to grips with difficult realizations that challenge one's version of the truth. He continues to point out ways that people of faith can engage the community in productive and…
Grantley Martelly
February 4, 2022

29: Jerry Kester – Leading Through Crisis Pt.2

We conclude our discussion with Jerry Kester, the District Superintendent of the Washington Pacific District of the Church of the Nazarene in Washington State. Jerry discusses the impact of social media on some people of faith, and the challenge of the political entering the ecclesiastical. He discusses why people are not as afraid of change as they are afraid of…
Grantley Martelly
December 17, 2021

27: Critical Race Theory 1

Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a political hot potato in recent years. But what does it mean and what does it actually teach? Many people's only orientation to CRT has been the news media and political pundits determined to scare blocks of supporters to action in relative ignorance. This episode aims to give a brief introduction to the topic…
Grantley Martelly
November 13, 2021

24: Danielle Fontaine – My Daughter Married a Black Man Pt. 2

Danielle and I complete our conversation on the emotional struggle of the racial divide created in her family when her daughter married our son.  Art can illustrate life and her book, "Still Time on Pye Pond", tells her story in stunning images. Danielle also gives her suggestions for families struggling with similar situations and reminds us that there is still hope…
Grantley Martelly
September 14, 2021

22: Could the Queen Be Racist

On March 7, 2021, Oprah Winfrey televised an interview with Megan Markle and Prince Harry.  Much of the world was shocked to hear the allegations of racism within the House of Windsor. This episode examines the history of British royalty and the Church of England in empire building, where the Queen is the head of both institutions. You can draw…
Grantley Martelly
July 20, 2021

21: Who Is My Neighbor Test Pt.2

Loving our neighbor as ourselves is probably one of the most difficult tasks in life and yet it is critical to having a kind, peaceful and just world. Who does this task apply to? I believe that it applies to everyone regardless of faith, origin, ethnicity, or peculiarity. Try it out and see what happens in the places where you…
Grantley Martelly
June 3, 2021

19: Chitra Hanstad – Knowing Your Neighbor, Pt.2

During this unprecedented time in our history, Chitra leads World Relief Seattle through the social, political, and economic challenges to continue to welcome the world to the United States and to find innovative resources to help them navigate their way to independence and sustainability.  World Relief has many ways that you can get involved and this episode presents some valuable…
Grantley Martelly
March 11, 2021

18: Chitra Hanstad – Knowing Your Neighbor, Pt.1

Chitra Hanstad is the Executive Director of World Relief  Seattle, however, her journey to this place serves as a timely reminder that our neighborhood is global. From India to the United States, back to India, around the world, and again in the United States her service to humanity spans the globe and her faith is lived out wherever she goes.…
Grantley Martelly
February 28, 2021