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civil rights


14: Rev. Dr. France Davis – Practice What You Preach

In Part 2 of our conversation with Dr. Davis, he teaches the application of living a life of faith and reconciliation. He addresses both clergy and laity on how we can demonstrate the love we speak about. He gives specific actions to get involved and stay involved. He addresses people of color and white people on current issues facing our…
Grantley Martelly
December 15, 2020

13: Rev. Dr. France Davis – Living On The Frontlines

Not many of us get to meet and be mentored by a true civil rights leader. Rev. Dr. France Davis has lived his life on the front lines of the struggle for racial justice: from growing up in the segregated South of the US to meeting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, marching on Washington and Selma, AL, serving on the…
Grantley Martelly
December 1, 2020

5: Interview with Dr. Andre Sims, Pt. 2

Dr. Sims discusses the system of Courageous Conversations to help address issues of faith and race. He gives examples of his work and his encounters in these areas including his work with faith leaders. He gives reasons for why we must continue this work in the community, especially in faith communities.
Grantley Martelly
July 7, 2020