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Grantley Martelly


13: Rev. Dr. France Davis – Living On The Frontlines

Not many of us get to meet and be mentored by a true civil rights leader. Rev. Dr. France Davis has lived his life on the front lines of the struggle for racial justice: from growing up in the segregated South of the US to meeting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, marching on Washington and Selma, AL, serving on the…
Grantley Martelly
December 1, 2020

12: An Outlaw

Some people use Romans 13 as a means to justify following unjust and immoral laws and political persuasions. I dispute that interpretation in this short episode. There are many places where strict interpretation without biblical continuity would lead to contradictions and injustice. Instagram: abovethenoise_gm Facebook: Above The Noise @abovethenoise24
Grantley Martelly
November 13, 2020

11: Police Chief Rafael Padilla

Chief Rafael Padilla is the police chief of Kent, WA, the 10th most diverse city in the United States. We discuss his journey of faith and the challenges of leading a police department in the present climate of racial unrest and calls for reforms in modern policing.  He discusses his efforts to establish accountability, credibility, and performance standards in his…
Grantley Martelly
October 21, 2020

10:The Queen of Katwe

Miss Phiona Mutesi is called, The Queen of Katwe. However, her life has not been one of royalty, splendor, and riches.  Coming from the despair of poverty and living on the streets, she became a national chess champion of Uganda and a world-class chess player. A book was written about her and Disney produced a movie with the same title, The…
Grantley Martelly
October 20, 2020

8: Are We Not One – A Town Hall in the City of Kent, WA -Part 1

Are We Not One?-Conversations on Racial Reconciliation was a Town Hall held for the City of Kent, WA on September 19, 2020. The town hall was hosted by, and held at Hillside Church Kent and included Mayor Dana Ralph, Police Chief Padilla, and Councilmember Brenda Fincher as well as leaders in the faith community, Native American, and the non-profit community…
Grantley Martelly
September 21, 2020

9: Are We Not One? – A Town Hall in the City of Kent, WA, Part 2

Are We Not One?-Conversations on Racial Reconciliation was a Town Hall held for the City of Kent, WA on September 19, 2020. The town hall was hosted by, and held at Hillside Church Kent and included Mayor Dana Ralph, Police Chief Padilla, and Councilmember Brenda Fincher as well as leaders in the faith community, native American, and the non-profit community…
Grantley Martelly
September 21, 2020

7: People Speak Up

If we are going to continue to make positive progress in embracing racial reconciliation we need to continue having conversations personally and in community. These conversations will not be easy but they are worth it. In this episode, I give some tools and statistics that you can use to help foster conversations and to help counter the objections that some…
Grantley Martelly
September 6, 2020

6: Are You A Terrorist? Interview with Zeytun Ahmed

Zeytun Ahmed is a young woman who chooses to live out her faith in the western world where sometimes wearing a hijab causes some people to resort to stereotypes. Having lived in a refugee camp, she is now a student at the University of Washington and impacting lives with her story, her faith, and her determination to leave her imprint…
Grantley Martelly
July 25, 2020

4: Interview with Dr. Andre Sims, Pt. 1

Despite earning a Ph.D., and becoming a psychologist, pastor, and businessman none of these accomplishments has shielded Dr. Sims from the realities of being a black male in the United States of America even among people of faith. In part 1 we hear his story from being raised in Detroit, MI to being a college football player, and becoming a…
Grantley Martelly
July 15, 2020

5: Interview with Dr. Andre Sims, Pt. 2

Dr. Sims discusses the system of Courageous Conversations to help address issues of faith and race. He gives examples of his work and his encounters in these areas including his work with faith leaders. He gives reasons for why we must continue this work in the community, especially in faith communities.
Grantley Martelly
July 7, 2020